Aug 5, 2015

The mists are lifting

This is it boys and girls ... The last post on this blog. It is a sad to us all (especially me), but I knew that this moment would come since I started this blog out back before the expansion was even launched. Now it too is part of the big battle chest and it does not exist on its own anymore so in a way this blog should have been long dead, but because of utilitarian reasons I kept it going. Those reasons are done for and as such this must be done as well. It was nice sharing a few thoughts through it, but I guess it was enough. Thanks for all the visits and please take care and enjoy your game.

Feb 16, 2015

WoW Version 6.1 Updates

Time is ticking and passing and alongside it we all pass as well. Such as it is the good old expansion that inspired me to create this petite blog and rant about Warcraft is all but history and right now the game is preping for the update that will be brought about by version 6.1. Among many other interesting updates that this patch might bring about we find the following features: blood elf model updates, selfie camera, new recruit-a-friend mount and achievement and plenty of updates to content and core which should be making our lives ever easier (Lives in game that is ... This new patch won't cull the threat posed by the Islamic State or the conflict from Ukraine, but it clearly is a pretty nice detterent from all the insanities of the real world).


Also as the game and core files are updated the guides and addons that urasable in-game (such as Zygor or Tycoon) will also need to be updated as well and in case you've already joined any of those you have the updates for 6.1 included in the price. In case you didn't and are ready to give your gaming a boost then I suggest you scoop them out (I made a small reference and gave a few more details in this post - WoW Patch 6.1 Updates - from my main blog). Or alternatively you can just use the direct encrypted links from the sidebar. Anyways these two guide provider are even today with the latest patch best in business and their services are still just as high standard as they were back in the days when this blog was still relevant (not that it's not relevant anymore or anything).