Nov 11, 2014

New and Improved Zygor (6.0.3)

As the next expansion is just days away the boys from Zygor have prepared their guides and are basically ready to power level and improve each and every aspect of your life in Azeroth with their brand new version of guides. Zygor Guides viewer 5.0, the brand new Garrison Guide, the updated old guide and the secret addon that will be revealed tommorow are just a few of the things that require your attention. Feel free to check out all that they offer over by Zygor for WoD and give them a shot too by checking out their official reports as well as soon as they come out.


And while you are there make sure to also look up their credentials because of what I can see the boys know a thing or two about making good quality guides and thus won't really have any trouble pleasing even the most pretentious customer. Just go for it and who knows maybe we'll meet in-game at some point, just let me know you've been around!