May 13, 2014

Dynasty Addons or Zygor Guides

So today on the petite list of updates I have  small featuring of two charming product provders that go by the business names of Zygor and Dynasty. To tell you the truth both of these chaps had it going on for quite some time even before Mists of Pnadaria was launched and were right on the top while the new patches (up until 5.4.7 came out) and now while we wait for Warlords of Draenor, we could say that there basically isn't much of an update challenge to be held, but still both teams fight for the title of best guide/addon provider for Warcraft. Now it's really hard to tell who is the best, cause you know ... They're both quite good at what they do and one way or another they all manage to cover all the player needs, but still who should you choose. To help with that I made this article here: World of Guides: Dynasty or Zygor where I take a closer look at what both these vendors provide in terms of guide config and all the other stuff you might want to know before taking a look at their websites yourselves. Certainly do feel free to check them out and don't worry about whatever comes next cause these chaps will have you covered in terms of almost anything they can possibly change with the upcoming expansion.