Feb 9, 2013

Patch 5.3 - The Siege of Orgrimmar

So guys the patch was announced to be the last of the the Mist of Pandaria expansion long before the damn thing was even launched. And quite frankly I guess everyone is a little worried, how will this play off? Cause no offense, it sucks to be on the Horde's Side a playing an orc or a troll when this thing will be going down, if you feel me ...

The Fall of Hellscream 

For now all that there is to it are speculations, and more speculations, but we're sure Blizz is working on it so that we may have one hell of an ending to this one too! Pretty sure it's going to be neat! However till we'll find that we shall be taking a look at some of them updates that went down for guides and addons since the new MoP updates!

Feb 3, 2013

Patch 5.2 - The Thunder King

And the latest update brings some pretty fresh (and I underline this, it is fresh, not new!) content in the persona of the thunder king. Virtually there is an isle with some new stuff to do on it, if you ask me I could say it is the Pandarian counterpart for Isle of Quel'Danas because virtually most things are the damn same (except you know the story and monsters you need to beat). Talking about monsters, here's the preview to the patch:

World of Warcraft Patch 5.2 Trailer - The Thunder King 

Well did you see it? I mean yeah quite frankly that's all there is to it a few modified textures on some good old mobs. Plus there is also that new PvP system that makes the world go wild this time with the same good old red versus blue! Anyways for more news on the updates feel free to pay us a visit over by World of Warcraft Patch 5.2 Updates only on strategy-game-guides.com! 

P.S. Looking forward to patch 5.3, which according to some will be the end of Garrosh! Man if you ask me he had it coming his way ever since I first saw him in Nagrand! Just sayin' you know ...