Dec 19, 2011

Mists of Pandaria - Preview

Alright so for now this is all we know about the fifth expansion in the World of Warcraft franchise! Honestly when will they stop? No one, but I tell you no one knows the answer to that. Still let us enjoy it while it lasts! 

Here you have some opinions collected from Youtube users regarding the new trailer preview about the expansion we were talking about! Enjoy! :D

”Warcraft fans in 2006: We want a Pandaren race! Pandas are cool!
Warcraft fans 2011: Fuck pandas they are so gay and childish
Mental dellusion in a nutshell.”

”idk what everyone is crying about, you guys havent played the expansion yet, for all we know, this expansion could save WoW” 
And they continue in this manner, but let us face guys the ones at least that wrote these comments will keep on playing for certain even if they somehow end up by the tenth expansion (God Save us!) ... As I was saying, the story continues, I do hope you will join the discussion because you all know as well as I do that once you become a wow player you remain so your entire life! And do not forget ”The Limits of Azeroth are yet to be revealed!”